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Prayer Guide

“…do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

One of the great gifts that God gives to his people is prayer. Through prayer, we communicate with God and cultivate our relationship with him. Our God cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). He is interested in every detail of our lives. He wants us to involve Him in every aspect of our lives. He promises to listen, to help, and to protect. He promises to be there. When we pray, we surrender and release our thoughts, worries, and desires to God. We pray because prayer shifts our attention to “him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20).

Not only does God invite us to pray, but in his Word, he also shows us how and what to pray.  When we survey the great prayers in Scripture, a consistent pattern emerges, one that our Lord Jesus taught in Matthew 6:9-13. Jesus teaches that prayer is a balanced interaction of adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication (A.C.T.S.). This is further revealed in Paul’s admonishment on prayer in Philippians 4:6-7. 

As we seek to grow spiritually in 2021, this booklet is a tool to help you create a habit of coming to God regularly in prayer and giving suggestions on how you can pray for each day of the week.   

Monday: Church Family

  • Praise the Lord that he made you a part of his family
  • Thank the Lord that you get to be a part of the church family here on earth
  • Pray for your church family that they may comprehend the great love that God has for them in Christ Jesus
  • They have the humility to receive the help God provides
  • Help them to walk in obedience to you through the power of the Holy Spirit
  • Bring healing to any personal conflict they might have
  • Show them how they can use their gifts to serve their church family and community
  • Move them to be generous with the resources you have given them
  • Give them a burden for the lost, opportunities to share the gospel, and boldness when the opportunities comes
  • Help them not keep a record of wrongs, but quickly forgive
  • To pursue humility, and not pride or self-pity
  • Not rejoice at wrongdoing, but instead rejoice with the truth
  • To be hospitable and create a welcoming atmosphere in our church

Tuesday: Church Leaders (Elders, Deacons, and Pastors)

  • Thank the Lord for the leaders he has given to his church here on earth
  • May they proclaim the Gospel boldly and clearly
  • That the leadership would be united with their focus on Christ
  • That their leadership, vision, and service would be in accords with God’s will
  • To offer wise counsel and comfort to the church
  • That they will persevere in ministry and through trials
  • To have patience and grace with difficult people
  • For protection from the fear of man and from attacks of Satan
  • To be a godly, dedicated, and loving parents
  • That God would protect their marriages from inside and outside attacks

Wednesday: Missionaries

Mike and Brittney Peterson – El Salvador

Nate and Amy Kidder – Ethiopia

David and Elisabet Barcelo – Spain

Mario and Lika Milhomem – South Africa

Joshua and Natalie

    • Pray that they would be confident in God’s Word
    • Pray that they would be filled with God’s Spirit
    • Pray for their victory in spiritual warfare
    • Pray for their success in gospel witness
    • Pray for peace with other believers and favor with unbelievers
    • Pray that the gospel will be clear through them
    • Pray that God will open hearts around them
    • Pray for their joy in the midst of suffering
    • Pray for Christlike humility to characterize them
    • Pray for their patience and perseverance

Thursday: Community

  • Make a list of those you come in regular contact with who do not know Christ and pray today that they would come to know him.
  • That our neighbors who live next to us would see the love of Christ in us
  • That the children of our community would be protected from harm
  • That God would use Christian administrators, teachers, and students to be a light in the public school system
  • That our first responders would be protected as they serve and protect us

Friday: Family Members

  • May those who do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior come to put their faith in him
  • May they comprehend the great love that God has for them in Christ Jesus
  • May they have the humility to receive the help God provides
  • Bring healing and reconciliation to any family conflicts they might have
  • Not keep a record of wrongs, but quickly forgive
  • Pursue humility, and not pride or self-pity
  • Not rejoice at wrongdoing, but instead rejoice with the truth
  • Pursue love today

Saturday: Government Officials

  • Salvation for those who have not yet put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
  • Divine wisdom to put into law that which is in accord with God’s Word
  • Discernment in their decision making
  • Humility to receive the input of others
  • Moral Integrity
  • Self-Control

Sunday: You

  • May I comprehend the great love that God, you have for me in Christ Jesus
  • May I have the humility to receive the help you provide
  • Help me to walk in obedience to you through the power of the Holy Spirit
  • Bring healing to any personal conflicts in my life
  • Show me how to use my gifts to serve my church family and community
  • Help me see the generosity of Jesus towards me so that I might be more generous with what you have given to me
  • Give me a burden for the lost, opportunities to share the gospel, and boldness when the opportunities comes
  • Help me not keep a record of wrongs, but quickly forgive
  • To pursue humility, and not pride or self-pity
  • Not rejoice at wrongdoing, but instead rejoice with the truth
  • To be hospitable and create a welcoming atmosphere in the church
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