The Women’s Ministry of Valley Center Community Church is committed to lead women to discover and grow in their relationship with Christ, to provide welcoming opportunities to connect and fellowship with other women, to deepen a true sense of belonging to the church body, and to encourage women to become the true women God created them to be.
Women’s Christmas Dessert
You’re invited to a dressy holiday celebration of connecting with other women, enjoying great music, performances, decadent desserts, and a message of hope! There will also be some wonderful door prizes.
Women’s Bible Study
A Bible Study that meets throughout most of the year on Wednesday mornings and Thursday evenings. Click the button below to see what Bible Study is available now.
Women’s Evening
A gathering that takes place on the third Friday of each month where women (14 years and older) have the opportunity to fellowship with other women of VCCC.
Meals Ministry
There is a meal ministry that provides meals for families when babies are born, those suffering from illness, surgery, or other needs that arise where meals benefit those in need. Adrienne Behneman oversees this ministry.