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This year, we continue to look to grow spiritually as a church and one of the means that God uses to grow us is his word. To that end, we have created this Bible Reading Plan.

This is not a read through the entire Bible plan, rather, it is a read the Bible together plan. Our aim is to have each person at VCCC read the same portion of Scripture throughout the week. As you read the Bible this year, below are questions for you to ask the text, yourself, and then others at VCCC. May God use His Word to make us look more like His Son. 

Questions to ask when reading:

    • What is the author talking about?
    • What is the author saying about what he is talking about?
    • Does the author state his purpose in writing? If so, what is it?

Questions to ask yourself:

    • Is there a command to obey?
    • Is there an example to follow?
    • Is there a promise to claim?
    • Is there a sin to avoid?
    • Is there a truth to believe?
    • Is there a principle to follow?

Questions to ask others at VCCC:

    • What did you enjoy from this week’s reading?
    • What did you learn about God?
    • What challenged you?
    • What encouraged you?
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