FALL KICK-OFF • Sunday, September 1 • One service at 10:00 am under the tent • Lunch to follow • Details Here
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Life is Better Together.

When we experience the transformative work of Jesus Christ, it not only brings us into God’s glorious salvation but also knits us into a community of faith—the church. This collective journey involves lives being transformed and the church being built as members proclaim Gospel truths and share hope with one another.

At Valley Center Community Church, our Connections Groups serve as rich gatherings where followers of Christ engage with one another, growing as disciples and actively participating in the call to make disciples, just as Jesus Christ has instructed. These groups, comprising up to 16 individuals, can include couples and/or singles of any age. Regular gatherings are dedicated to study, prayer, and fellowship.

If you would like to be a part of a Connections Group, we invite you to reach out to Jon Walters at jon.walters@vccc.org. Join us in the journey of deepening discipleship and fostering meaningful connections within our faith community.


What are Connections Groups?

Connections Groups are home fellowships made up of 8 to 12 individuals, facilitated by equipped leaders, that meet regularly to share, study God’s Word and support one another.

How important are Connections Groups?

Here at VC Community Church, Connections Groups are our central ministry. They’re the place where we have opportunity to minister to one another as we study God’s Word, while supporting and sharing our lives with one another. We therefore, desire to see everyone who attends VC Community Church engaged in community where they are cared for and encouraged in Gospel understanding and application.

When and where do the groups meet?

Connections Groups meet on different days and times in homes throughout Valley Center and Escondido. Most groups meet in the evening from 7:00pm-9:00pm.

What about childcare?

Each Connections Group is responsible for deciding how they handle their childcare needs. Some groups are for adults only and other groups meet with children present. You have the ability to choose what group you would like to be a part of when you sign-up.

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