4 Reasons Estate Planning Is So Important
Biblical Stewardship Ministry
June 14, 2021

It’s all about protecting your loved ones.
When the surprises in life come knocking, it’s too late to start a plan. As Christians, we may not be of this world, but we live on this planet, and as long as we do, we are exposed to the potential for some unfortunate surprises.
These surprises come in various events like a surprise cardiac event, a deadly traffic accident, Injury, Alzheimer’s, and something unfathomable just two years ago – a deadly virus. You can’t stop these from happening, nor can you go back in time to get your will or estate plan completed.
It’s too late when a car runs a stoplight; it’s too late when mom gets taken to the hospital by the EMS; it’s too late when Grandpa’s chest feels funny. Are you getting the message?
Many people devote more time to planning a vacation or choosing a car to buy than they do to estate planning—without estate planning, you can’t choose who gets everything you worked so hard for.
Estate planning isn’t only for the rich. Without a plan in place, settling your affairs after you go could have a long-lasting—and costly—impact on your loved ones, even if you don’t have a pricey home, large IRA, or valuable art to pass on.
Consider these four reasons why you should have one and avoid potentially devastating consequences for your heirs.
- If you want to choose who will inherit what among your possessions and valuables, you need to do some estate planning.
- Estate planning provides you a chance to name your minor children’s guardians in the event of your early death.
- Proper planning can reduce taxes on what you leave behind.
- Estate planning minimizes the chances of family strife and ugly legal battles.
- An Estate Plan Protects Beneficiaries
If estate planning was once considered something that only high net worth individuals needed, that’s changed. These days many middle-class families need to plan for when something happens to a family’s breadwinner (or breadwinners). After all, you don’t have to be super-rich to do well in the stock market or real estate, both of which produce assets that you’ll want to pass on to your heirs.
Even if you’re only leaving behind your home, if you don’t decide who receives the property when you pass away, you won’t have any control over what happens to it.
That’s because the main component of estate planning is designating heirs for your assets, whether it’s a house or a stock portfolio. Without an estate plan, the courts will often decide who gets your assets, a process that can take years, rack up fees, and it can get ugly. After all, a court doesn’t know which sibling has been responsible and shouldn’t have free access to cash. Nor will the courts automatically rule that the surviving spouse gets everything.
If you die without a Will, the courts will decide who gets your assets, and you lose the opportunity to make a charitable donation to your favorite charities.
- An Estate Plan Protects Young Children
The recent Covid Pandemic should bring the reality of unexpected death into reality for most US citizens. Nobody thinks of dying young, but if you’re the parent of small children, you need to prepare for the unthinkable. This is where the Will portion of an estate plan comes in.
To ensure that your children are cared for in a manner you approve of, you’ll want to name their guardians if both parents die before the children turn 18. Without a Will that names these guardians, the courts will step in to decide who will raise your children.
- An Estate Plan Spares Heirs a Big Tax Bite
Estate planning is all about protecting your loved ones, which means in part giving them protection from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Essential to estate planning is transferring assets to heirs with the smallest possible tax burden for them.
Even just a bit of estate planning can enable couples to reduce much or even all of their federal and state estate taxes and state inheritance taxes. There are also ways to decrease the income tax beneficiaries might have to pay. Without a plan, the amount that your heirs will owe Uncle Sam could be quite a lot.
- An Estate Plan Eliminates Family Messes
We’ve all heard horror stories. Someone with money dies, and the war between family members begins. One sibling may think they deserve more than another, or one sibling may believe they should be in charge of the finances even though they’re notorious for racking up debt. Such squabbling can get ugly and end up in court, with family members pitted against one another.
Stopping fights before they start is yet another reason why an estate plan is necessary. This will enable you to choose who controls your finances and assets if you become mentally incapacitated or after you die and will go a long way toward quelling any family strife and ensuring that your assets are handled in the way that you intended.
It also will help you make individualized plans, if necessary—to arrange for a child with health problems or to set up a trust for one who might be better off not inheriting a lump sum. It can also help you give more to the child who did most of the work of caring for you in your later years or less to the one whose extensive education you funded while paying far less for their siblings.
Deciding whether to divide your estate exactly equally is one of the critical tasks you need to think through. And, of course, if you’ve had more than one spouse—or have children from more than one family—an estate plan is urgent.
The Bottom Line
The surprises in life are one phone call away. It’s the phone call we dread. We are human, and it happens.
If you want your assets and your loved ones protected when you can no longer do it, you will need an estate plan. Without one, your heirs could face significant tax burdens, and the courts could designate how your assets are divided—and even who gets to raise your children.
Basic Estate Planning Class
A class hosted by the Biblical Stewardship Ministry that covers wills, simple living trusts, real estate titling, and durable powers for finances and health care